EC-CHAP Information Exchange: Raising Historical Awareness Through Collaboration
Please join us for an Information Meeting to discuss a proposed framework to increase the public awareness of local and regional history through collaboration.
Light refreshments provided. Open to the public.
WHEN: Tuesday, May 14th, 6:30pm
WHERE: The Packing House (156 River Road (RT32) Willington, CT
Did you know that there are over 200 organizations identified as “Historical Societies” registered with the Connecticut Secretary of the State’s Office? And did you know that of these, there are over 10 Historical Organizations serving the entire state of Connecticut? And did you further know, that there are over 25 local Historical Societies situated within a 25 mile radius of EC-CHAP in Willington, Connecticut? (Source:
Local Historical Societies, Museums, Universities, and Historians provide a rich knowledge of area history – possessing important writings, oral histories, original photographs, artifacts, research, and other resources that describe the evolution of the area they serve. This collection of unique assets and knowledge assists in answering critical questions, and provides a roadmap of sorts to help explain the challenges, hardship, innovation, rewards, and growth that leads to who and what we are today.
Imagine if these organizations and individuals are able to come together to share this knowledge in coordinated public forums. If each organization is given a platform to communicate and describe the historical significance of their piece of the world, what new knowledge and connections could be made? We believe a shared model of collaboration and equity that promotes discourse and engages collective knowledge will result in a heightened awareness and importance of history, and the need to continue to preserve the valuable resources that tell our story.
As a part of addressing this broader historical view, EC-CHAP intends to begin dialog with local, regional and statewide historical organizations and individuals to facilitate opportunities for conversation, collaboration, and programming. There appear to be pockets of rich history just waiting for connections to be made. As your regional cultural organization, we hope to play a small part in bringing together the many folks who can share knowledge, common interests, and help to connect the historical “dots” that will yield better understandings.
The Eastern Connecticut Center for History, Art, and Performance, Inc. (EC-CHAP for short) is an independent membership-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization representing an important cultural resource serving communities and visitors to Eastern Connecticut and beyond. The Center's focus is to bring a heightened awareness to the significance of local history and historic preservation; provide an appreciation for the visual arts through creation and display; and offer performance events and opportunities for creative expression in music, film, dance, literature, and theater.
The EC-CHAP currently operates the Gardiner Hall Jr. Museum, the Dye & Bleach House Community Gallery, an Artist in Residence (AIR) Program, and hosts an assortment of performances and events at The Packing House, all located at The Mill Works in Willington, CT. Visit for more information.
EC-CHAP offers monthly "Information Exchange Meetings" to review our mission, discuss membership benefits, and review programming opportunities and support. We are very interested in obtaining your input and feedback with respect to how we can best meet your interests and needs as a cultural organization. These meetings are free to attend.
This meeting will be held in The Packing House at The Mill Works, 156 River Road, Willington, CT. Refreshments provided.
For more information, please call 518-791-9474, or email us at