EC-CHAP Virtual Film Series: Live Stream - The Making of a Willington Mural - “A Canvas of History and Social Change" with Comments by the Artist
EC-CHAP Public Art Project: “A Canvas of History and Social Change”
“A Canvas of History and Social Change” represents a year-long public art project developed and executed by the Eastern Connecticut Center for History, Art, and Performance (EC-CHAP). EC-CHAP is a 501.c.3 cultural organization serving eastern Connecticut and beyond.
The purpose of this project is to raise awareness of local history, culture, and sustained innovation that has endured time and social change through mural art. The resulting mural has been created on a 200-foot retaining wall located on the east side of River Road (State Route-32) at EC-CHAP’s residence, The Mill Works, 156 River Road, Willington, CT.
The mural artist responsible for presenting and finalizing concept designs, and completing the final mural is Christopher Gunderson. Mr. Gunderson is a visual artist and full-time graphic designer at Avid Marketing Group, Rocky Hill, CT.
This project was partially funded by a REGI grant administered by the Department of Economic and Community Development, Connecticut Office of the Arts. The remaining funds required to complete this project were acquired through a major fundraising activity.
Please join us to learn about the making of this important project! We hope to have the artist available live to provide comments and discuss the process used to complete this work.
Should you have questions or need additional information, please call 518-791-9474.